Job Post Example - ABC Company

ABC Company has openings for the following positions:
  • Accountant (CPA required)
  • Accounts Payable Specialist
  • Controller
Submit your resume to resumes@abcompany or complete the application form at
To ask questions about any of these jobs or ABC Company, please click on the post title or the "comments" link below this post and ask your questions in the comments box. Before you submit a comment/question, please read the comments left by other job seekers and the replies from ABC Company to see if your question has been answered already. Same or similar comments will not be approved by the blog's moderators. NOTE: Comment sizes are limited. This is not the place to apply for a position. Comments are limited to questions about the job, company, industry, etc.

Disclosure Agreement for Blog Participants

By participating in this blog site or by commenting on any post on this site, you are stating that you work or have worked for the organization about which you are commenting. You agree to hold harmless this blog and its owners/operators for any legal or employment actions arising from comments posted by you on this blog site, including comments edited, redacted or moderated by this blog's moderators. You further agree that you have not obtained membership in this blog by misrepresenting your identity or your current or former role in the organization about which you are commenting. This blog's owner/operators reserve the right to withhold, modify or delete any post or comment on this blog for any reason whatsoever and without prior notice to the poster or commenter.

Post A Job and Job Posting Requirements

To post a job, simply click the "comments" link immediately below this post or the title of this post and include the following in your comment/post. If accepted, your information will be re-posted as a new item.

  1. Poster's full name and poster's job title.*
  2. Poster's work email address. You must provide your work email address so we can verify that you are a legitimate employee of the organization you claim to represent and you are authorized to post job openings. **
  3. Organization name.
  4. Job title and location (City, ST)
  5. Job description and requirements.
  6. "Reply To" information where job seekers may submit resume or application.
  7. Your organization's main web site employment URL (if you have one).

One job title per post. Posts may not exceed 250 words. Jobs may be linked to a lengthier description on the poster's company web site. All posts are moderated. See labels "abc company" and "example" for job post example.

*Information in items 1 and 2 is for verification purposes only and will not be posted on this blog.

**Poster will become the organization's business contact and the authorized person for receiving and forwarding employee comments to this blog.

Recruiting Linkage for Employers

In the same manner that job seekers are most successful when they achieve "linkage" among their cover letter, resume and references, employers are most successful when they achieve linkage between their marketing efforts, Internet presence and recruiting efforts. A well designed employment blog is increasingly an important link in the recruiting chain. Your employment "brand" is competing with tens, hundreds or thousands of other employers.

When posting job openings on this site, always include links to your organization's main web site and references to other recruiting sources you use (trade journals, newspapers, campus postings, etc.).  Of course, you need to do this within the 500-word posting limit, but don't worry - if you exceed the limit, our expert editors will fix it.

What I Like About...

Didn't find your employer listed on this blog? Here is where current employees of an organization may make positive comments about their place of employment.

Tell the world what you like about the organization for which you work. All comments are moderated and must be entered by your company's designated representative, which means you must provide your company's authorized representative with your comment (you cannot enter it yourself). If you already know the name of your organization's authorized representative to this blog, send that person an email with your comment and she/he will forward the comment to us. For the name of your company's designated representative, click on the title of this post or click on the "comments" link below and enter the following information in the comment box:*

  • Your full name and job title.
  • Your organization's name.
  • Your work email address, which must contain a legitimate organizational domain (such as manager@abcompany).

We will email the name of your organization's authorized representative to the email address you provided. Send your comment to that person. No authorized representative? Contact your human resources department or your manager and encourage them to participate in this recruitment blog.

Free Speech and This Blog

Strange as it may seem, employees don't have many free speech rights, especially when it comes to making negative, public comments about their current employer. That's just fine with us, because the purpose of this recruiting blog is to help employers find the people they need and want, and to help job seekers find the company that is the best fit for them. The best employers will distinguish themselves by having the highest number of positive comments posted about them.

We realize that all organizations have warts and it is important that job seekers know as much about the negatives of a company as they know about the positives. But let's face it -- job seekers skirt the "what are your weaknesses (negatives)" question, and so do employers. We encourage employers to reveal as much as they can about the downside of their organizations and specific jobs (working conditions, physical effort, location, etc), but we leave that up to the employer.

If your comment is negative, reflects badly on a specific organization, and SSE does not have the organization's permission to publish it, the comment will not be approved for posting.

Employers: Custom Employment Blogs

Don't want to play on the same employment blog as your competitors? Visit RecruiteGenie, our private employment blog development site, to discover how you can benefit from a cost-effective, interactive employment blog of your own.

Employment blogs are the Web 2.0 version of the job board, only better. Job boards aren't interactive. Employment blogs save time and effort for both the employer and the job seeker by allowing the job seeker to weed out unsuitable employers, and the employer to weed out unsuitable candidates.


This blog conducts surveys of current and former employees as well as our readership. All surveys are conducted using's survey tools.

There are two kinds of surveys on this site: Generic and Company-Specific. Open surveys are labeled "Surveys." Survey Results are labeled "Results."

Occasionally, surveys will be summarized in Google doc's. You must have a free Google account to access the Google doc's version.

Employers, we can do custom surveys of your employees on topics such as benefits, working conditions and culture. We can also survey your industry for wages, benefits, policies and other topics of interest.  To request a personalized survey, click on the "comment" link below this post and provide us with your full name, company name, work email address, work phone number and a brief description of your survey request. Your comment/request is private and will not appear on this blog.

Custom Surveys for Employers

Employers, we can do custom surveys of your employees on topics such as benefits, working conditions and culture. We can also survey your industry for wages, benefits, policies and other topics of interest.  To request a personalized survey, click on the "comment" link below this post and provide us with your full name, company name, work email address, work phone number and a brief description of your survey request. Your comment/request is private and will not appear on this blog.

Job Posting Disclaimer

By submitting your job posts and providing information on your job openings and your organization, you agree that you are a current employee of the organization you claim to represent, that you are authorized by your organization to post/blog on this site, and that you and your organization hold harmless this blog's owner/operator from any damages arising from your participation in this blog or the use of information you provided by any visitor to this blog. You further acknowledge that this blog makes its income from advertising, subscriptions and donations and that you and your organization have no vested interest in such income or in the nature and type of advertisements that appear on this blog, except that this blog agrees to not accept ads of a sexually-oriented, adult or offensive nature.

RecruitGenie Private Employment Blogs

RecruitGenie builds recruitment blogs hosted on Google's Blogger or on your own domain for small to mid-sized companies who don't have the time, expertise or Human Resources staff to devote to building or maintaining their own recruitment blogs. Recruitment blogs are the Web 2.0 solution for helping you win the talent wars.  Recruitment blogs have the kind of interactivity and engagement value that the big-name job boards simply cannot handle.

Small and mid-sized organizations don't need to make huge investments in career web sites. RecruitGenie sets up your blog using our template for a one-time set-up fee of $300.00 and a monthly maintenance fee of $75.00. The big job boards charge thousands of dollars per year for a limited number of job posts.

The employer must agree to allow RecruitGenie to run Google Ads on the site and receive the revenue in perpetuity. The employer also agrees to promote the blog in its recruitment advertising and on the employer's main web site, if any.

To contact RecruitGenie for a discussion of your recruitment blog needs, click on the post title above or the "comments" link below and provide us with your contact information, including your name, job title, organization name, work email and work phone. Your comment/request is private and will not appear on this blog.


The RecruitGenie Team

Your Industry Experience - Talk About It

Comment on your industry experience in general. Talk about wages, benefits, working conditions, etc. Comments are moderated. Do not use specific personal names, job titles or specific incidents that would cast a negative light on specific people or companies. Positive comments are preferred. Negative comments should be confined to the industry in general or the type of work you perform(ed). See, also, the label "surveys - current" as well as labels and posts on individual accounting firms.

Find A Job On This Blog

Your can find a job or opening on this blog one of two ways using the search box at the top of the site.

First, you can type in a job title, such as "accountant" to see all Accountant jobs, or narrow your search by typing something like "accounts payable specialist."

Second, you can type in a company name, such as "abc company."

Try it, then click on the "comments" for each post to see questions and answers about the job or the company.


Commenter's, subscriber's or member's name, email address or other personal information will never be disclosed to anyone other than this blog's owners and moderators (the blog's owners and moderators are not affiliated with any employer who may post here).

Job Seekers and Employees: To ensure your privacy and protect your job, never log on to this site from work or use your work email to comment unless you have been granted permission in writing from your employer. If you have a Blogger/Google, AOL/AIM, LiveJournal, Typekey, WordPress or other OpenID account, you have what you need to become a member of this blog. If you don't have an OpenID account or you aren't sure, we strongly recommend that you get a free Google or Blogger account and use only that account for accessing or commenting on this blog.

About This Blog

This blog is an interactive job site for employers and job seekers. Employers post jobs here for free, job seekers search for jobs and ask questions or make comments on job postings, employers respond to job seekers' comments and questions. With their employer's permission, current and former employees may post comments about their positive work experiences at an organization.

All comments are moderated to ensure the protection of employers' reputations; to prevent spammers; and to ensure the integrity of the job blogging process.

Be sure to check out the labels/categories on the right, and start blogging to find a better job or the right employee for your organizations.


The Editors